1. University of Toronto
The following article by Andrés Guerrero is an
unedited translation of the sixth and final chapter
of his recent book, Administración de poblaciones,
ventriloquía, y transescritura (Admini
stration of Populations, Ventriloquism, and
Trans-writing, 2010), a remarkable text of political
history and philosophy that has been largely
inaccessible to readers outside the Andean region.
1 Our publication of that chapter in this issue,
with commentaries on it and an interview
with the author, reflects the unusually loud
“echoes” (to use a Guerreroism) we heard in it of
Focaal’s efforts to promote unorthodox ways of
addressing the global and historical composition
of political critique. Extracting a chapter
such as this from its source cannot but leave
scars. Here we aim to fill in some of the missing
pieces to the story that follows.