Ghiță Simona, ,Stanciu Irina,Sabău Adrian, ,
In the present study, the main physical-chemical parameters (temperature, conductivity, turbidity, pH, dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen consumption, ammonium, nitrate and phosphate ions) and the representative groups of phytoplankton (green algae, cyanobacteria, diatoms and cryptophytics) are analysed with direct influence on the quality of aquatic life. The average values obtained by analysing the samples collected in July 2023 in the bordering area of fishing activities (marine site –Midia-Navodari area and Lake sites – Tasaul Lake and Siutghiol Lake) are presented and discussed. The modern techniques of in situ analysis of the physical-chemical and biological parameters of the water allowed an evaluation of the quality of the surface waters regarding the trophic potential. The optimal values of the indicators of the eutrophication regime and of the oxygen regime, as well as the presence of the main groups of primary producers, suggest the existence of favourable conditions for the development of fishing and aquaculture activities. The study contributes to the achievement of the general objective of the Dobrogea North FLAG strategy for the development of fishing activities based on the knowledge of environmental aspects, in order to maintain economic and ecological sustainability.
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