Generating spatiotemporal patterns of linearly polarised light at high frame rates for insect vision research


Supple Jack A.1ORCID,Varennes-Phillit Léandre1ORCID,Gajjar-Reid Dexter1,Cerkvenik Uroš2ORCID,Belušič Gregor2ORCID,Krapp Holger G.1ORCID


1. Imperial College London, Royal School of Mines 1 Department of Bioengineering , , Exhibition Road, London, SW7 2AZ , UK

2. University of Ljubljana 2 Department of Biology, Biotechnical Faculty , , 1000 Ljubljana , Slovenia


ABSTRACT Polarisation vision is commonplace among invertebrates; however, most experiments focus on determining behavioural and/or neurophysiological responses to static polarised light sources rather than moving patterns of polarised light. To address the latter, we designed a polarisation stimulation device based on superimposing polarised and non-polarised images from two projectors, which can display moving patterns at frame rates exceeding invertebrate flicker fusion frequencies. A linear polariser fitted to one projector enables moving patterns of polarised light to be displayed, whilst the other projector contributes arbitrary intensities of non-polarised light to yield moving patterns with a defined polarisation and intensity contrast. To test the device, we measured receptive fields of polarisation-sensitive Argynnis paphia butterfly photoreceptors for both non-polarised and polarised light. We then measured local motion sensitivities of the optic flow-sensitive lobula plate tangential cell H1 in Calliphora vicina blowflies under both polarised and non-polarised light, finding no polarisation sensitivity in this neuron.


Air Force Research Laboratory

Air Force Office of Scientific Research

European Office of Aerospace Research and Development


The Company of Biologists


Insect Science,Molecular Biology,Animal Science and Zoology,Aquatic Science,Physiology,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

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