1. Department of Zoology, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Mycetomes in Helochara communis are paired syncytia each enclosed by an epithelium. Adjacent are loose aggregates of mycetocytes. Mycetomes harboured 3 kinds of inclusions:companion, a- and t-symbiotes according to Buchner's classification of homopteran symbiotes. In the mycetocytes, a fourth kind of inclusion was found and named g-symbiotes. All inclusions were Feulgen and Gram negative. Nucleoids were revealed in companion symbiotes by osmium-HCL-Giemsa; and, in some g- and t-, but not in a-, symbiotes by RNase-papain Giemsa. DNase digestion caused loss of basophilia in g- and t-, but not in a-, symbiotes. By electron microscopy, using Kellenberger's fixative, companion, g- and t- symbiotes had lucid areas with reticular strands 4 nm thick; a-symbiotes were in general, homogeneously densely granular. Companion symbiotes had Gram-negative profiles with additional surface material; a- and t-symbiotes had 3, g-symbiotes 2, peripheral, trilaminar membranes. Parallel striations and regularly arranged granules occurred in companion symbiotes; crystalline inclusions in g- and t- symbiotes; and fibrillar elements and dense bodies in a-symbiotes.
Companion symbiotes may be Gram-negative bacteria or rickettsiae; g- and t-symbiotes, L-phase bacteria; but a-symbiotes are anomalous, apparently lacking DNA, and probably being derivatives of t-symbiotes, thus requiring that Müller's hypothesis of homopteran evolutionary pathways be rephrased.
The Company of Biologists
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