The Dietetics of the Caterpillars of Three Ephestia Species, E. Kuehniella, E. Elutella, and E. Cautella, and of a Closely Related Species, Plodia Interpunctella




1. Department of Zoology and Applied Entomology, Imperial College, London, S.W.7


1. The larvae of four species of moths, Ephestia kuehniella, E. elutella, E. cautella and Plodia interpunctella, have been grown successfully on artificial diets, consisting of casein, glucose, yeast, cholesterol, a salt mixture, wheat-germ oil and water. 2. The requirements for carbohydrates are high. Growth of Ephestia kuehniella is optimal with 80% glucose in the diet. The other three species also grow fastest with 80% glucose, but survival is usually better with 50% glucose. With smaller quantities of glucose growth becomes slower, and little or no growth takes place with 20% glucose or less. 3. Cholesterol is an essential constituent of the diet for all four species. 4. On diets which contain the known factors of the vitamin B complex in pure substance in place of yeast, all four species grow relatively well, but the growth rate becomes noticeably slower. This indicates the presence of further important growth factors in yeast. 5. Of the known factors of the vitamin B complex, the following are indispensable for E. kuehniella and elutella: thiamin, nicotinic acid, pyridoxin and pantothenic acid. Riboflavin is also indispensable for E. elutella, while in its absence E. kuehniella grows very slowly. Choline chloride greatly improves growth of E. elutella, inositol has some beneficial effect on that of E. kuehniella, and p-amino-benzoic acid does not seem to be necessary for either species. Biotin is an important growth factor for E. kuehniella and Plodia, and to a somewhat lesser degree, also improves growth of Ephestia elutella 6. Diets in which glucose is replaced by starch are excellent for E. kuehniella, but unsuitable for the other three species. 7. These findings are discussed in connexion with the natural occurrence and the type of feeding of the four species on flour, whole grain and other dried foods.


The Company of Biologists


Insect Science,Molecular Biology,Animal Science and Zoology,Aquatic Science,Physiology,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

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