1. Institute of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Department of Biology, Chemistry and Pharmacy, Freie Universität Berlin, Thielallee 63, Berlin 14195, Germany
2. Institut de Myologie, INSERM UMR974, Sorbonne Université, Paris 75013, France
3. ICFO-Institut de Ciencies Fotoniques, The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology, Barcelona 08860, Spain
4. The Francis Crick Institute, 1 Midland Rd, London NW1 1AT, UK
5. MRC Lab for Molecular Cell Biology, UCL, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, UK
6. Centre for Genonmic Regulation (CRG), The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology, Dr Aiguader 88, Barcelona 08003, Spain
7. Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Barcelona 08003, Spain
8. Centre for Mechanochemical Cell Biology & Warwick Medical School, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, UK
9. Department of Biology, Stanford University, Stanford CA 94305, USA