Notch and Ras promote sequential steps of excretory tube development inC. elegans


Abdus-Saboor Ishmail1,Mancuso Vincent P.1,Murray John I.1,Palozola Katherine1,Norris Carolyn2,Hall David H.3,Howell Kelly1,Huang Kai1,Sundaram Meera V.1


1. Department of Genetics, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA.

2. Department of Biology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218, USA.

3. Department of Neuroscience, Center for C. elegans Anatomy, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY 10461, USA.


Receptor tyrosine kinases and Notch are crucial for tube formation and branching morphogenesis in many systems, but the specific cellular processes that require signaling are poorly understood. Here we describe sequential roles for Notch and Epidermal growth factor (EGF)-Ras-ERK signaling in the development of epithelial tube cells in the C. elegans excretory (renal-like) organ. This simple organ consists of three tandemly connected unicellular tubes: the excretory canal cell, duct and G1 pore. lin-12 and glp-1/Notch are required to generate the canal cell, which is a source of LIN-3/EGF ligand and physically attaches to the duct during de novo epithelialization and tubulogenesis. Canal cell asymmetry and let-60/Ras signaling influence which of two equivalent precursors will attach to the canal cell. Ras then specifies duct identity, inducing auto-fusion and a permanent epithelial character; the remaining precursor becomes the G1 pore, which eventually loses epithelial character and withdraws from the organ to become a neuroblast. Ras continues to promote subsequent aspects of duct morphogenesis and differentiation, and acts primarily through Raf-ERK and the transcriptional effectors LIN-1/Ets and EOR-1. These results reveal multiple genetically separable roles for Ras signaling in tube development, as well as similarities to Ras-mediated control of branching morphogenesis in more complex organs, including the mammalian kidney. The relative simplicity of the excretory system makes it an attractive model for addressing basic questions about how cells gain or lose epithelial character and organize into tubular networks.


The Company of Biologists


Developmental Biology,Molecular Biology







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