Field-realistic exposure to neonicotinoid and sulfoximine insecticides impairs visual and olfactory learning and memory in Polistes paper wasps


Corcoran Fiona E.1,Tibbetts Elizabeth A.1ORCID


1. University of Michigan Ecology and Evolutionary Biology , , Ann Arbor, MI 48103 , USA


ABSTRACT Exposure to insecticides may contribute to global insect declines due to sublethal insecticide effects on non-target species. Thus far, much research on non-target insecticide effects has focused on neonicotinoids in a few bee species. Much less is known about effects on other insect taxa or newer insecticides, such as sulfoxaflor. Here, we studied the effects of an acute insecticide exposure on both olfactory and visual learning in free-moving Polistes fuscatus paper wasps. Wasps were exposed to a single, field-realistic oral dose of low-dose imidacloprid, high-dose imidacloprid or sulfoxaflor. Then, visual and olfactory learning and short-term memory were assessed. We found that acute insecticide exposure influenced performance, as sulfoxaflor- and high-dose imidacloprid-exposed wasps made fewer correct choices than control wasps. Notably, both visual and olfactory performance were similarly impaired. Wasps treated with high-dose imidacloprid were also less likely to complete the learning assay than wasps from the other treatment groups. Instead, wasps remained stationary and unmoving in the testing area, consistent with imidacloprid interfering with motor control. Finally, wasps treated with sulfoxaflor were more likely to die in the week after treatment than wasps in the other treatment groups. Our findings demonstrate that sublethal, field-realistic dosages of both neonicotinoid- and sulfoximine-based insecticides impair wasp learning and short-term memory, which may have additional effects on survival and motor functioning. Insecticides have broadly detrimental effects on diverse non-target insects that may influence foraging effectiveness, pollination services and ecosystem function.


National Science Foundation

University of Michigan


The Company of Biologists


Insect Science,Molecular Biology,Animal Science and Zoology,Aquatic Science,Physiology,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

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