Cardiac influence of the β3-adrenoceptor in the goldfish (Carassius auratus): a protective role under hypoxia?


Leo Serena1,Gattuso Alfonsina1,Mazza Rosa1,Filice Mariacristina1,Cerra Maria Carmela1,Imbrogno Sandra1ORCID


1. Dept of Biology, Ecology and Earth Sciences (BEST), University of Calabria, Arcavacata di Rende (CS), Italy


The goldfish (Carassius auratus) exhibits a remarkable capacity to survive and remain active under prolonged and severe hypoxia, representing a well-suited model to study cardiac function when oxygen availability represents a limiting factor. Under hypoxia, the goldfish heart increases its performance, this representing a putative component of hypoxia tolerance; however, underlying mechanisms have not been yet elucidated. We aimed to investigate the role of β3-ARs in the mechanisms which modulate the goldfish heart performance, also in relation to oxygen levels. By western blotting analysis, we found that the goldfish heart expresses β3-ARs, and this expression increases under hypoxia. Effects of β3-ARs stimulation were analysed by using an ex vivo working heart preparation. Under normoxia, the β3-ARs selective agonist BRL37344 (10−12-10−7M) elicited a concentration-dependent increase of contractility abolished by the specific β3-AR antagonist (SR59230A; 10−8M), but not by α/β1/β2-ARs inhibitors (phentolamine, nadolol, and ICI118,551; 10−7M). Under acute hypoxia, BRL37344 did not affect the goldfish heart performance. However, SR59230A, but not phentolamine, nadolol, and ICI118,551, abolished the time-dependent enhancement of contractility which characterizes the hypoxic goldfish heart. Under both normoxia and hypoxia, adenylate cyclase and cAMP were found to be involved in the β3-ARs-dependent downstream transduction pathway. Our findings suggest the presence of functional β3-ARs in the goldfish heart, whose activation modulates the basal performance and contributes to the hypoxia-dependent increase of contractility.


Ministero dellIstruzione, dellUniversità e della Ricerca


The Company of Biologists


Insect Science,Molecular Biology,Animal Science and Zoology,Aquatic Science,Physiology,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

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