Cold tolerance is linked to osmoregulatory function of the hindgut in Locusta migratoria


Gerber Lucie1ORCID,Overgaard Johannes1


1. Zoophysiology, Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University, DK-8000 Aarhus, Denmark


There is growing evidence that maintenance of ion and water balance determine cold tolerance in many insects. The hindgut of terrestrial insects is critical for maintaining organismal homeostasis as it regulates solute- and water-balance of the hemolymph. Here we used ex vivo everted gut sacs of L. migratoria to examine the effects of temperature (0 - 30°C), thermal-acclimation, hypoxia, and ionic and osmotic forces on bulk water and ion (Na+, K+ and Cl−) movement across the rectal epithelium. These findings were related to simultaneous in vivo measurements of water and ion balance in locusts exposed to similar temperatures. As predicted, we observed a critical inhibition of net water and ion reabsorption at low temperature that is proportional to the in vivo loss of water and ion homeostasis. Further, cold-acclimated locust, known to defend ion and water balance at low temperature, were characterised by improved reabsorptive capacity at low temperature. These findings strongly support the hypothesis that transport mechanisms in the hindgut at low temperature are essential for cold tolerance. The loss of osmoregulatory capacity at low temperature was primarily caused by reduced active transport while rectal paracellular permeability to fluorescein isothiocyanate dextran was unchanged at 0 and 30°C. During cold exposure, water reabsorption was independent of major cation gradients across the epithelia while reduction in mucosal Cl− availability and increase in mucosal osmolality markedly depressed water reabsorption. These findings are discussed in perspective of existing knowledge and with suggestions for future physiological studies on cold acclimation and adaptation in insects.


Det Frie Forskningsråd | Natur og Univers


The Company of Biologists


Insect Science,Molecular Biology,Animal Science and Zoology,Aquatic Science,Physiology,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics







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