Indirect closing of the elytra in a cockchafer,Melolontha hippocastaniF. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)


Frantsevich Leonid1


1. Schmalhausen-Institute of Zoology, B. Chmielnicki Street, 15, Kiev-30, 01601, Ukraine


SUMMARYActuation of the closing of the elytra was previously ascribed to intrinsic muscles in the mesothorax. We investigated closing (1) by loading or arrest of some thoracic segments in a tethered flying beetle, (2) by animation, i.e. passive motion of preparations of the thorax simulating the action of some muscle, and (3) by excision of some parts of sclerites or cuts across certain muscles. We found out that depression of the prothorax, necessary to unlock the elytra, precedes their opening but elevation of the prothorax is synchronous with the closing. The closing is retarded if the elevation is retarded by loading; if the elevating prothorax is clamped, then the closing is also arrested or hindered; animation of the elevation of the prothorax in the dead animal is enough for the closing of the previously spread elytra; the closing is prevented if a piece at the hind edge of the pronotum, positioned in front of the root of an elytron, is excised. This excision also prevents closing in the in vivo experiments. Mechanical interaction between the elytron and the prothorax is limited to the contact point between the posterior edge of the pronotum and the lateral apophysis of the root. Thus, the elevation of the prothorax is the indirect and main mechanism of the closing in Melolontha.


The Company of Biologists


Insect Science,Molecular Biology,Animal Science and Zoology,Aquatic Science,Physiology,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

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