1. Misaki Marine Biological Station, School of Science, University of Tokyo, Kanagawa, Japan.
We previously demonstrated that osmolality isotonic to the seminal plasma suppresses sperm motility in marine and freshwater teleosts, and exposure of sperm to hypertonicity of sea water or hypotonicity of fresh water, respectively, induces the initiation of sperm motility at spawning. The motile sperm became immotile by return of osmolality to the isotonic osmolality both in a marine teleost, the puffer fish, and a freshwater teleost, the zebrafish. The initiation and termination of sperm motility could be repeated several times by changing surrounding osmolality in both species. In demembranated sperm, motility was suppressed by a K+ concentration equivalent to the seminal salt concentration in both puffer and zebrafish. Demembranated puffer sperm were reactivated when K+ concentration of the reactivating solution increased. Conversely, initiation of motility in the demembranated zebrafish sperm was induced by decreasing K+ concentration. The initiation and termination of the demembranated sperm were alternately repeated by changing K+ concentration of the reactivation solution in both species. Furthermore, intracellular K+ concentration rose when sperm motility of the puffer was initiated in hypertonic solutions. These results suggest that change in external osmolality is converted into change in intracellular K+ concentration, and that the change affects the flagellar axoneme as a signal to initiate or terminate sperm motility. The initiation and termination of motility in the demembranated puffer sperm were caused at a high pH and a low pH of the reactivating solution, respectively, suggesting the contribution of intracellular pH in the regulation of flagellar motility.
The Company of Biologists
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64 articles.