Monoclonal antibody TeM 106 reacts with a tonoplast intrinsic protein of 106 kDa from Brassica oleracea L


Dozolme P.1,Marty-Mazars D.1,Clemencet M.C.1,Marty F.1


1. Laboratoire de Phyto-Biologie Cellulaire, Universite de Bourgogne, Dijon, France.


A monoclonal antibody, designated TeM 106, that recognizes an intrinsic protein from the vacuole membrane (tonoplast) of cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L. var. botrytis) is described. Mice were immunized with a tonoplast fraction that had been purified from differentiating meristematic cells from the cauliflower head. Hybridomas were generated and screened by means of Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assays for differential reactivity to tonoplast over non-related proteins (bovine serum albumin). One out of 14 reactive murine clones was selected on the basis of its stability, secretory efficiency, and high affinity of the secreted antibodies. TeM 106 is an IgM which was shown by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy of frozen thin sections to bind specifically to the tonoplast of highly vacuolated cells as well as to the tonoplast of small vacuoles in meristematic cells. The molecular specificities of TeM 106 were preliminarily determined using electrophoretic transfer procedures (immunoblotting). TeM 106 reacted with a single protein band of 106,000 M(r) from the tonoplast of cauliflower. Using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, it was shown that the epitope is borne by a single polypeptide. The antigen is a glycopeptide containing mannose and/or glucose residues in the oligosaccharide side chain but the epitope, resistant to the metaperiodate oxidation, is contained in the polypeptide backbone. Salt elution experiments indicated that the antigen, unlike several proteins from the tonoplast, is not eluted from the membrane by KCl treatments and is, therefore, tentatively considered as a tonoplast intrinsic protein, designated TIP 106.


The Company of Biologists


Cell Biology







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