Getting the whole picture: combining throughput with content in microscopy


Rimon Nitzan1,Schuldiner Maya1


1. Department of Molecular Genetics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel 76100


The increasing availability and performance of automated scientific equipment in the past decades have brought about a revolution in the biological sciences. The ease with which data can now be generated has led to a new culture of high-throughput science, in which new types of biological questions can be asked and tackled in a systematic and unbiased manner. High-throughput microscopy, also often referred to as high-content screening (HCS), allows acquisition of systematic data at the single-cell level. Moreover, it allows the visualization of an enormous array of cellular features and provides tools to quantify a large number of parameters for each cell. These features make HCS a powerful method to create data that is rich and biologically meaningful without compromising systematic capabilities. In this Commentary, we will discuss recent work, which has used HCS, to demonstrate the diversity of applications and technological solutions that are evolving in this field. Such advances are placing HCS methodologies at the frontier of high-throughput science and enable scientists to combine throughput with content to address a variety of cell biological questions.


The Company of Biologists


Cell Biology

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