Cytotoxicity of diatom-derived oxylipins in organisms belonging to different phyla


Adolph Sven1,Bach Stéphane2,Blondel Marc2,Cueff Anne2,Moreau Marjolaine2,Pohnert Georg1,Poulet Serge André2,Wichard Thomas1,Zuccaro Alga3


1. Max-Planck Institute, Hans-Knöll-Str. 8, D-07745 Jena, Germany,

2. Station Biologique, CNRS, Mer et Santé (FRE 2775), INSU, UPMC, PO Box 74, 29682 Roscoff, France

3. Institute of Microbiology, Technical University Braunschweig, Spielmannstrasse 7, D-38106 Braunschweig, Germany


SUMMARY The cytotoxicity of several saturated and unsaturated marine diatom-derived aldehydes and an oxo-acid have been screened in vitro and in vivo against different organisms, such as bacteria, algae, fungi,echinoderms, molluscs and crustaceans. Conjugated unsaturated aldehydes like 2E,4E-decadienal, 2E,4E-octadienal,5E,7E-9-oxo-nonadienoic acid and 2E-decenal were active against bacteria and fungi and showed weak algicidal activity. By contrast, the saturated aldehyde decanal and the non-conjugated aldehyde 4Z-decenal had either low or no significant biological activity. In assays with oyster haemocytes, 2E,4E-decadienal exhibited a dose-dependent inhibition of cytoskeleton organisation, rate of phagocytosis and oxidative burst and a dose-dependent promotion of apoptosis. A maternal diatom diet that was rich in unsaturated aldehydes induced arrest of cell division and apoptotic cell degradation in copepod embryos and larvae,respectively. This wide spectrum of physiological pathologies reflects the potent cell toxicity of diatom-derived oxylipins, in relation to their non-specific chemical reactivity towards nucleophilic biomolecules. The cytotoxic activity is conserved across six phyla, from bacteria to crustaceans. Deregulation of cell homeostasis is supposed to induce the elimination of damaged cells through apoptosis. However, efficient protection mechanisms possibly exist in unicellular organisms. Experiments with a genetically modified yeast species exhibiting elevated membrane and/or cell wall permeability suggest that this protection can be related to the inability of the oxylipin compounds to enter the cell.


The Company of Biologists


Insect Science,Molecular Biology,Animal Science and Zoology,Aquatic Science,Physiology,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics







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