Cell Volume and the Control of the Chlamydomonas Cell Cycle




1. Department of Biophysics, King's College London, 26-29 Drury Lane, London WC2B 5RL, U.K.


Chlamydomonas reinhardii divides by multiple fission to produce 2n daughter cells per division burst, where n is an integer. By separating predivision cells from synchronous cultures into fractions of differing mean cell volumes, and electronically measuring the numbers and volume distributions of the daughter cells produced by the subsequent division burst, we have shown that n is determined by the volume of the parent cell. Control of n can occur simply, if after every cell division the daughter cells monitor their volume and divide again if, and only if, their volume is greater than a fixed minimum value. In cultures synchronized by 12-h light/12-h dark cycles, the larger parent cells divide earlier in the dark period than do smaller cells. This has been shown by two independent methods: (1) by separating cells into different size fractions by Percoll density-gradient centrifugation and using the light microscope to see when they divide; and (2) by studying changes in the cell volume distribution of unfractioned cultures. Since daughter cells remain within the mother-cell wall for some hours after cell division, and cell division causes an overall swelling of the mother-cell wall, the timing of division can be determined electronically by measuring this increase in cell volume that occurs in the dark period in the absence of growth; we find that cells at the large end of the size distribution range undergo this swelling first, and are then followed by successively smaller size fractions. A simple model embodying a sizer followed by a timer gives a good quantitative fit to these data for 12-h light/12-h dark cycles if cell division occurs 12-h after attaining a critical volume of approximately 140 μm3. However, this simple model is called into question by our finding that alterations in the length of the light period alter the rate of progress towards division even of cells that have attained their critical volume. We discuss the relative roles of light and cell volume in the control of division timing in the Chlamydomonas cell cycle.


The Company of Biologists


Cell Biology








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