Pituitary ontogeny of the Snell dwarf mouse reveals Pit-1-independent and Pit-1-dependent origins of the thyrotrope


Lin S.C.1,Li S.1,Drolet D.W.1,Rosenfeld M.G.1


1. Howard Hughes Medical Institute, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla 92093-0648.


The anterior pituitary provides a model to study the molecular mechanisms responsible for emergence of distinct cell types within an organ. Dwarf mice (Snell) that express a mutant form of the tissue-specific POU-domain transcription factor Pit-1 fail to generate three cell types, including the thyrotrope (S. Li, E. B. Crenshaw, E. J. Rawson, D. S. Simmons, L. Swanson and M. G. Rosenfeld (1990), Nature 347, 528–533). Analyses of wild-type and Pit-1-defective mice, presented here, have revealed that thyrotropes unexpectedly arise from two independent cell populations. The first population is Pit-1-independent and appears on e12 in the rostral tip of the developing gland, but phenotypically disappears by the day of birth. The second is Pit-1-dependent and arises subsequently in the caudomedial portion of the developing gland (e15.5), following the initial expression of Pit-1 in this region. The failure of caudomedial thyrotrope cells to appear in the Snell dwarf, and the observation that Pit-1 can bind to and transactivate the TSH beta promoter, apparently enhanced by its phosphorylation, suggests that Pit-1 is directly required for the appearance of this distinct population that serves as the precursors of the mature thyrotrope cell type. These data suggest that different molecular mechanisms, based on the actions of distinct transcription factors, can serve to independently generate a specific cell phenotype during mammalian organogenesis.


The Company of Biologists


Developmental Biology,Molecular Biology

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