1. Voice Research Laboratory, Department of Biophysics, Faculty of Science, Palacký University Olomouc, tr. 17. Listopadu 12, 771 46 Olomouc, Czech Republic
2. Laboratory of Bio-Acoustics, Department of Cognitive Biology, University of Vienna, Althanstraße 14, 1090 Vienna, Austria
3. University of Applied Sciences, Department of Computer Science, Schneidershof, 54293 Trier, Germany
4. GIPSA-lab, CNRS, Grenoble INP, Grenoble University, 11 rue des Mathématiques – BP 46, 38402 Saint Martin d'Hères cedex, France
5. University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Institute for Anatomy, Histology and Embryology, Veterinärplatz 1, 1210 Vienna, Austria