1. Cardiovascular Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital, Charlestown, MA 02129-2060, USA.
In many vertebrates, removal of early embryonic heart precursors can be repaired, leaving the heart and embryo without visible deficit. One possibility is that this ‘regulation’ involves a cell fate switch whereby cells, perhaps in regions surrounding normal progenitors, are redirected to the heart cell fate. However, the lineage and spatial relationships between cells that are normal heart progenitors and those that can assume that role after injury are not known, nor are their molecular distinctions. We have adapted a laser-activated technique to label single or small patches of cells in the lateral plate mesoderm of the zebrafish and to track their subsequent lineage. We find that the heart precursor cells are clustered in a region adjacent to the prechordal plate, just anterior to the notochord tip. Complete unilateral ablation of all heart precursors with a laser does not disrupt heart development, if performed before the 18-somite stage. By combining extirpation of the heart precursors with cell labeling, we find that cells anterior to the normal cardiogenic compartments constitute the source of regulatory cells that compensate for the loss of the progenitors. One of the earliest embryonic markers of the premyocardial cells is the divergent homeodomain gene, Nkx2.5. Interestingly, normal cardiogenic progenitors derive from only the anterior half of the Nkx2.5-expressing region in the lateral plate mesoderm. The posterior half, adjacent to the notochord, does not include cardiac progenitors and the posterior Nkx2.5-expressing cells do not contribute to the heart, even after ablation of the normal cardiogenic region. The cells that can acquire a cardiac cell fate after injury to the normal progenitors also reside near the prechordal plate, but anterior to the Nkx2.5-expressing domain. Normally they give rise to head mesenchyme. They share with cardiac progenitors early expression of GATA 4. The location of the different elements of the cardiac field, and their response to injury, suggests that the prechordal plate supports and/or the notochord suppresses the cardiac fate.
The Company of Biologists
Developmental Biology,Molecular Biology