Connexions between hair-plate afferents and motoneurones in the cockroach leg


Pearson K. G.,Wong R. K.,Fourtner C. R.


1. The trochanteral hair-plate afferents in the metathoracic leg of the cockroach, Periplaneta americana, were stimulated electrically and at the same time intracellular recordings were made from either motoneurones, interneurones or afferent terminals within the methathoracic ganglion. 2. Activity in the hair-plate afferents evoked short latency excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) in femur flexor motoneurones. The latency of the IPSPs was on average 1–8 ms longer than the latency ofthe EPSPs. 3. Intracellular recordings from terminal branches of the hair-plate afferents showed that the delay between the peak of the afferent terminal spike and the beginning of the EPSPs is about 0.4 ms. This finding, together with the observations that the amplitude of the EPSPs is increased by the passage of hyperpolarizing current and decreased following high-frequency stimulation, indicates that the EPpSPs are evoked via-monosynaptic chemical synaptic junctions. 4. The observations of the long latency of the IPSPs, the need for a number of afferents to be simultaneously acive for them to be evoked and the occasional variability in latency, all indicate that the IPSPs are evoked via a disynaptic pathway…


The Company of Biologists


Insect Science,Molecular Biology,Animal Science and Zoology,Aquatic Science,Physiology,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

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