The Role of Cacao and Chocolate in Transpacific Exchange Part II. Cacao as Transpacific Trade Good and Global Commodity


Schottenhammer AngelaORCID


In the course of the second half of the sixteenth century, chocolate and cacao became increasingly popular among many Europeans. By the 1630s if not earlier, not only the Spanish but also the Dutch, the French, and even the English were consuming a fair amount of cacao. Cacao drinking was introduced into Britain in 1657, and by the early eighteenth century ‘chocolaterías’ existed throughout London, competing with the traditional coffee houses. The drinking of cacao received the support of Quakers, who considered chocolate to be a welcome substitute for ginger. Chocolate was frequently sent as a present from New Spain, both to Spaniards living in Asia and to residents in Spain: In 1621, the Count of Santiago sent some small boxes of chocolate to his wife; in 1625, the Countess of Santiago of New Spain sent, among other things, boxes of chocolate and cacao to the Marchioness of Belvedere in Madrid.


Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon

Reference157 articles.

1. See also Nadia Fernández-de-Pinedo, “Global Commodities in Early Modern Spain”, in Manuel Perez Garcia · Lucio De Sousa (eds.), Global History and New Polycentric Approaches Europe, Asia and the Americas in a World Network System [Palgrave Studies in Comparative Global History] (Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018), 293-318.

2. Julia García Paris, Intercambio y Difusión de Plantas de Consumo entre el Nuevo y el Viejo Mundo (Madrid: Servicio de Extensión Agraria, Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca, y Alimentación), 58-59.

3. José L. Gasch-Tomás, The Atlantic World and the Manila Galleons. Circulation, Market, and Consumption of Asian Goods in the Spanish Empire, 1565–1650 [The Atlantic World. Europe, Africa, and the Americas, 1500–1830, 37] (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 2019), 30 (with reference to AGI, Contratación, 1866, 651-654), 41-42 (with reference to AGI, Contratación, 1880, 221-231).

4. “Correspondence Relevant to Military Operations in China” (p. 26), in Despatches, Offices and Individuals: 1842. Manuscript Number: CO 129/1 in The National Archives (Kew, United Kingdom), Archive: Hong Kong, Britain and China, 1841–1951, Collection “War and Colonial Department and Colonial Office: Hong Kong, Original Correspondence”, electronic resource.

5. The National Archives (Kew), November 3-December 6, 1856, Correspondence Archive Imperial China and the West part I, 1815–1881, Collection: FO 17 Foreign Office: Political and Other Departments: General Correspondence, China, document no. FO 17/252.







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