Tautas deju definēšanas problemātika mūsdienās Latvijā


Gailīte Elīna1


1. Latvijas Universitāte, Literatūras, folkloras un mākslas institūts


The article “Problems of defining folk dance in Latvia today” examines the aspects that affect the current situation in Latvia, where folk dances are understood as both folk dances that have not been modified by choreographers, dances passed down through generations that can be danced every day, and stage folk dances, which are a type of art performed by folk dance ensembles, created by choreographers and dances adapted to the stage performance. The research aim is to identify and describe the problems that currently exist in the Latvian cultural space, where the definition of folk dances creates tension in the public space and ambiguous opinions among dancers. Nowadays, it is possible to identify such concepts as, for example, folk dance, ethnographic dance, authentic dance, traditional dance, folklore dance, folk dance, folk dance adaptation, field dance, folk ballet, etc. Consistent use of concepts is rarely seen in the documents and research of cultural policymakers and the historical and contemporary works of choreographers and researchers. Often they are only described in general terms. A survey conducted in 2019 shows that dancers consider stage folk dances to be folk dances, and often this separation of dances is not important for them. Another problem is the designation of folk dance ensembles where stage folk dance dancers are dancing. The term misleads; it suggests that folk dances are danced there. However, this designation is linked to its historical time of origin. It is not insignificant that the stage folk dance is more popular, more visible, and massively represented at the Song and Dance Festival. Thus, a part of the society associates it with our folk dances.


Liepaja University

Reference29 articles.

1. Bāliņa -e – Bāliņa, G. Deja Latvijā. Nacionālā enciklopēdija (sk. 2020. g. 20. jūn.). Pieejams: https://enciklopedija.lv/skirklis/28801-deja-Latvij%C4%81

2. Buckland 1983 – Buckland, T. Definitions of Folk Dance: Some Explorations. Folk Music Journal, Vol. 4, No. 4, 1983, pp. 315–332.

3. CIOFF -e – International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts. Definition of traditional programs on the stage (sk. 2020. g. 16. jūn.). Pieejams: http://www.cioff.org/documentation/Definition_of_Traditional_Programs_on_the_stage.pdf

4. Donass 1979 – Donass, A. Radīt vai atdarināt? Cīņa, Nr. 45, 1979, 23. febr., 3. lpp.

5. Gailīte 2019 – Gailīte, E. Aptauja „Dejotāju viedoklis par dejošanu”, 2019. Glabājas autores personiskajā arhīvā.








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