1. Lviv Polytechnic National University
Coffee tourism is one of the types of gastronomic (culinary) tourism, which is a relatively new type of tourism and which requires a more detailed study and analysis of the dynamics of tourist flows in this scope. Coffee has been a popular beverage since ancient times and it occupies a special place in the culinary traditions of world cultures. That is why coffee tourism is becoming increasingly popular and becoming a forward looking type of tourism, as well as has a key role in preserving the historical and cultural traditions of the country or region. The article analyzes the specifics and current state of the world coffee tourism and identifies prospects for its development in Ukraine. The article also takes into consideration the main aspects of the coffee business development in the world and in Ukraine. In particular, the statistical trends among the leading countries in exports (Brazil, Switzerland, Germany) and imports (USA, Germany, France, Italy) of coffee in 2019 are highlighted. Comes with, Brazil is not only the main exporter of coffee, but also the world's largest manufacturer. The place and role of Ukraine as a consumer of coffee among European countries is determined. European countries are the largest importers of coffee in the world. The article provides a systematic overview of the largest coffee-producing countries and the main characteristics of their coffee tours. These countries have favorable natural and climatic conditions for growing coffee, which makes them ideal destinations for coffee tourism, as well as many other entertainments. Since the tourism industry is always very popular in the world among the population and the state, it is advisable to identify the premises and opportunities for the coffee tourism development in Ukraine. Prospects for the coffee tourism development in Ukraine, in particular in Lviv, due to the historical traditions and coffee consumption culture that have developed in Ukraine, are substantiated. A brief overview of the main tourist facilities and cafes of Lviv, excursions and other events related to coffee traditions, which will be interesting for tourists, is cited.
Classic Private University
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