1. Samara Regional Clinical Narcological Dispensary
2. Bashkir State Medical University
3. Republican Clinical Psychiatric Hospital
4. Ufa University of Science and Technology
Suicide is a serious public health problem. A deeper understanding of the underlying mechanisms and processes that lead to suicidal behavior is crucial for the development of effective preventive strategies. The study and identification of biomarkers will help in understanding the underlying processes or changes associated with suicide, however, studies linking biomarkers to suicide are limited and fragmented. Objective- To study the genetic associations of the polymorphic variant of the DRD2 gene (rs1800497) with forms of suicidal behavior in patients with alcohol dependence. Materials and methods: The association of polymorphic variants of the gene DRD2 (rs1800497) was analysed in patients with alcohol dependence syndrome, with a history of suicidal behavior and without it, living in the Republic of Bashkortostan, who were treated at the Republican Narco-logical Dispensary in the period from 2019 to 2021. Results: the presence of suicidal tendencies was detected in 39% of patients (136/344). 30% (42/136) were classified as patients with ex-ternal and internal forms of suicidal behavior, 70% (94/136) had only internal forms of suicidal behavior. Carriages of the CC and TT genotypes of the DRD2 gene (rs1800497) are characterized by a lower frequency of occurrence of all forms of suicidal behavior than carriages of СТ genotype. Also, carriages of the CC genotype of the DRD2 gene (rs1800497) are characterized by a lower frequency of occurrence of external forms of suicidal behavior than carriages of СТ and TT genotypes. Conclusions. The data we present indicate the possible contribution of genetic factors to the risk of suicidal behavior in individuals with alcohol dependence syndrome. There is a need for further research to explain the relationships between the circadian rhythm system, alcohol use disorders and suicidal behavior.
V.M. Bekhterev National Research Medical Center for Psychiatry and Neurology
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