Timing and structural evolution of the Sevier thrust belt, western Wyoming


Malone David H.1,Craddock John P.2,Konstantinou* Alexandros3


1. Department of Geography-Geology, Illinois State University, Normal, Illinois 61790, USA

2. Department of Geology, Macalester College, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55105, USA

3. Department of Geological Sciences, Stanford University, 450 Serra Mall, Stanford, California 94305, USA


ABSTRACT The results of new detrital zircon analyses of 15 (n = 1334) Sevier belt synorogenic (Jurassic–Eocene) conglomerates combined with U-Pb zircon ages from the literature (n = 2638) support the structurally dynamic role of the western Paris thrust sheet as the dominant high-standing, out-of-sequence portion of the Sevier belt. This result requires modification of the traditional structural view of the thin-skinned Sevier fold-and-thrust belt having formed by west-to-east shortening over an ~100-m.y. period (ca. 150–50 Ma) with episodic thrust motions that become younger toward the craton (east), as constrained by numerous synorogenic deposits shed to the east from each thrust hanging wall. Sevier thrusting was preceded by deposition of the Jurassic Stump Formation, which has a maximum depositional age of 149 Ma and a unique detrital zircon and heavy mineral (garnet, magnetite) provenance. The oldest thrust, the Paris (Willard) thrust, eroded and deposited the Jurassic–Cretaceous Ephraim Conglomerate as a synorogenic fan devoid of quartzite clasts and with a detrital zircon provenance consistent with reworked sediment from the fold belt, but not from the hinterland or the Sierra Nevada arc of the orogenic system. All subsequent synorogenic deposits from the mid-Cretaceous Echo Conglomerate (Meade-Crawford thrust) to a variety of more easterly Eocene deposits (Sevier belt, Green River, Absaroka, and Bighorn basins) are rich in quartzite clasts. All the quartzite clasts were eroded from the Paris thrust hanging wall, which reached its peak orogenic height at ca. 95 Ma, 50 m.y. after first motion, and the Proterozoic Brigham Group remained a quartzite clast source for ~40 m.y. The detrital zircon signatures of these samples require additional sources of sediment, reworked from the hinterland and the Sierra Nevada and Idaho Batholith arcs, thus implying that long-distance sediment fairway(s) were active during the Mesozoic–early Cenozoic. Based on the same detrital zircon data, variable sources of sediment are inferred between each of the thrust sheets; however, within each thrust system, the source of sediment remained the same. The Teton Range was thrust up at ca. 50 Ma, long after the Sevier belt formed, and it was not a buttress to thin-skinned Sevier deformation. Rather, Teton–Gros Ventre–Wind River Laramide uplifts deformed the older Sevier belt with numerous back and out-of-sequence thrusts and synorogenic deposits, including the Darby thrust, which records the youngest displacement.


Geological Society of America

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4. Over- to under- to back-filled: Early evolution of the Sevier foreland basin in Wyoming, USA;Tectonic Evolution of the Sevier-Laramide Hinterland, Thrust Belt, and Foreland, and Postorogenic Slab Rollback (180–20 Ma);2022-05-03








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