Deglacial landforms and Holocene vegetation trajectories in the northern interior cedar-hemlock forests of British Columbia


Gavin* Daniel G.1,White Ariana1,Sanborn Paul T.2,Hebda Richard J.3


1. Department of Geography, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon 97403, USA

2. Ecosystem Science and Management Program, University of Northern British Columbia, 3333 University Way, Prince George, British Columbia V2N 4Z9, Canada

3. Royal British Columbia Museum, 675 Belleville Street, Victoria, British Columbia V8W 9W2, Canada, and Department of Biology and School of Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of Victoria, P.O. Box 1700, Victoria, British Columbia V8W 2Y2, Canada


ABSTRACT The northern Rocky Mountain Trench of eastern British Columbia is a broad valley mantled by glaciolacustrine terraces supporting a complex mix of mesic-temperate (“interior wet belt”) forests that are strongly affected by terrain and substrate. Neither the geomorphic history during early Holocene deglaciation nor the vegetation history of the origin of the Tsuga heterophylla (western hemlock) and Thuja plicata (western redcedar) populations in the interior wet-belt forest is well understood. Sediment cores were obtained from two lakes, 10 km apart and occupying different terraces (83 m elevational difference), and these were compared to existing fire-history and paleoclimate reconstructions. Radiocarbon dates and a mapped terrain classification indicate the upper terrace formed as a lacustrine and glaciofluvial kame terrace hundreds of years prior to the lower terrace, which was formed by glaciolacustrine sediments of a proglacial lake. The minimum limiting ages of these terraces correlate with dated jökulhlaup deposits of the Fraser River. The upper site’s first detectable pollen at >11.0 ka was dominated by light-seeded pioneer taxa (Poaceae [grasses], Artemisia [sagebrush], and Populus [aspen]) followed by a peak in Pinus (pine) and finally dominance by Betula (birch) at 10.2 ka. Pollen data suggest an earlier invasion of T. heterophylla (western hemlock) (by ca. 8 ka) than previously understood. Wetlands on extensive, poorly drained, glaciolacustrine soils promoted the persistence of boreal taxa and open forests (e.g., Picea mariana [black spruce]), while the better-drained upper kame terrace promoted development of closed-canopy shade-tolerant taxa. Invasion and expansion of mesic cedar-hemlock taxa progressed since at least the middle Holocene but was highly constrained by edaphic controls.


Geological Society of America

Reference58 articles.

1. Patterns in the distribution of disjunct and endemic plants in the interior wetbelt, northwest North America;Björk;Botany,2010

2. Methods and code for “classical” age-modelling of radiocarbon sequences;Blaauw;Quaternary Geology,2010

3. Record of large, late Pleistocene outburst floods preserved in Saanich Inlet sediments, Vancouver Island, Canada;Blais-Stevens;Quaternary Science Reviews,2003

4. Postglacial forest patterns associated with till and outwash in northcentral Upper Michigan;Brubaker;Quaternary Research,1975







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