Upper Grand Coulee: New views of a channeled scabland megafloods enigma


Waitt* Richard B.1,Atwater Brian F.2,Lehnigk Karin3,Larsen Isaac J.3,Bjornstad Bruce N.4,Hanson Michelle A.5,O’Connor Jim E.6


1. U.S. Geological Survey, Cascades Volcano Observatory, 1300 SE Cardinal Court, Suite 100, Vancouver, Washington 98693, USA

2. U.S. Geological Survey at Department of Earth and Space Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195-1310, USA

3. Department of Geosciences, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts 01003, USA

4. Ice Age Floodscapes, Richland, Washington USA

5. Saskatchewan Geological Survey, 1945 Hamilton Street, Regina, Saskatchewan S4M 0A1, Canada

6. U.S. Geological Survey, 2130 SW 5th Avenue, Portland, Oregon, 97201 USA


ABSTRACT New findings about old puzzles occasion rethinking of the Grand Coulee, greatest of the scabland channels. Those puzzles begin with antecedents of current upper Grand Coulee. By a recent interpretation, the upper coulee exploited the former high-level valley of a preflood trunk stream that had drained to the southwest beside and across Coulee anticline or monocline. In any case, a constriction and sharp bend in nearby Columbia valley steered Missoula floods this direction. Completion of upper Grand Coulee by megaflood erosion captured flood drainage that would otherwise have continued to enlarge Moses Coulee. Upstream in the Sanpoil valley, deposits and shorelines of last-glacial Lake Columbia varied with the lake’s Grand Coulee outlet while also recording scores of Missoula floods. The Sanpoil evidence implies that upper Grand Coulee had approached its present intake depth early the last glaciation at latest, or more simply during a prior glaciation. An upper part of the Sanpoil section provides varve counts between the last tens of Missoula floods in a stratigraphic sequence that may now be linked to flood rhythmites of southern Washington by a set-S tephra from Mount St. Helens. On the floor of upper Grand Coulee itself, recently found striated rock and lodgement till confirm the long-held view, which Bretz and Flint had shared, that cutting of upper Grand Coulee preceded its last-glacial occupation by the Okanogan ice lobe. A dozen or more late Missoula floods registered as sand and silt in the lee of Steamboat Rock. Some of this field evidence about upper Grand Coulee may conflict with results of recent two-dimensional simulations for a maximum Lake Missoula. In these simulations only a barrier high above the present coulee intake enables floods to approach high-water marks near Wenatchee that predate stable blockage of Columbia valley by the Okanogan lobe. Above the walls of upper Grand Coulee, scabland limits provide high-water targets for two-dimensional simulations of watery floods. The recent models sharpen focus on water sources, prior coulee incision, and coulee’s occupation by the Okanogan ice lobe. Field reappraisal continues downstream from Grand Coulee on Ephrata fan. There, some of the floods exiting lower Grand Coulee had bulked up with fine sediment from glacial Lake Columbia, upper coulee till, and a lower coulee lake that the fan itself impounded. Floods thus of debris-flow consistency carried outsize boulders previously thought transported by watery floods. Below Ephrata fan, a backflooded reach of Columbia valley received Grand Coulee outflow of small, late Missoula floods. These late floods can—by varve counts in post-S-ash deposits of Sanpoil valley—be clocked now as a decade or less apart. Still farther downstream, Columbia River gorge choked the largest Missoula floods, passing peak discharge only one-third to one-half that released by the breached Lake Missoula ice dam.


Geological Society of America

Reference109 articles.

1. New version of the Spokane flood;Allison;Geological Society of America Bulletin,1933

2. Periodic floods from glacial Lake Missoula into the Sanpoil arm of glacial Lake Columbia, northeastern Washington;Atwater;Geology,1984

3. Pleistocene glacial-lake deposits of the Sanpoil River valley, northeastern Washington;Atwater;U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1661,1986

4. Status of glacial Lake Columbia during the last floods from glacial Lake Missoula;Atwater;Quaternary Research,1987

5. Paleohydrology and sedimentology of Lake Missoula flooding in eastern Washington;Baker;Geological Society of America Special Paper 144,1973

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1. Rates of bedrock canyon incision by megafloods, Channeled Scabland, eastern Washington, USA;Geological Society of America Bulletin;2024-04-05

2. Narrower Paleo‐Canyons Downsize Megafloods;Geophysical Research Letters;2022-06-07








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