The first documented occurrences of Otiorhynchus aurifer, O. pseudonothus, and Pachyrhinus lethierryi in Romania are given. The hotspot analysis (occurrence density, Getis-Ord Gi* statistic, and Kernel density estimation) indicates global bilateral clustering of Otiorhynchus aurifer in Western Europe + Great Britain Island and the Black Sea region and local clustering in Marseille and Burgas + Istanbul, suggesting that these locations are likely the main gateways for further expansion. The major local clustering of O. pseudonothus is in Vienna, and secondary clusters are in Bruges, Amsterdam, and Denmark. This species reached East Europe including Russia, Ukraine, and Romania in the early 2020s. The analysis identifies Paris as a crucial gateway for the westward expansion of Pachyrhinus lethierryi. Potential vectors for O. auriferinclude various Lauraceae and Oleaceae, with a preference for wild privet (Ligustrum vulgare), shared with O. pseudonothus. Northern white-cedar (Thuja occidentalis) emerges as a potent coniferous vector in the spread of O. pseudonothus and P. lethierryi. The trade of potted conifers, particularly Christmas trees, is believed to contribute to the long-distance transportation of O. pseudonothus. While the establishment of O. pseudonothus and P. lethierryi remains unconfirmed, O. aurifer is likely established in Agigea. O. aurifer, a non-native inhabitant of Western European urban areas, demonstrates adaptability to both urban and disturbed natural biotopes in the Black Sea region.