A Theoretical Framework for Serious Game Design


Rooney Pauline1


1. Dublin Institute of Technology, Dublin, Ireland


It is widely acknowledged that digital games can provide an engaging, motivating and “fun” experience for students. However an entertaining game does not necessarily constitute a meaningful, valuable learning experience. For this reason, experts espouse the importance of underpinning serious games with a sound theoretical framework which integrates and balances theories from two fields of practice: pedagogy and game design (Kiili, 2005; Seeney & Routledge, 2009). Additionally, with the advent of sophisticated, immersive technologies, and increasing interest in the opportunities for constructivist learning offered by these technologies, concepts of fidelity and its impact on student learning and engagement, have emerged (Aldrich, 2005; Harteveld et al., 2007, 2010). This paper will explore a triadic theoretical framework for serious game design comprising play, pedagogy and fidelity. It will outline underpinning theories, review key literatures and identify challenges and issues involved in balancing these elements in the process of serious game design.


IGI Global


Developmental and Educational Psychology,Education

Reference102 articles.

1. Aldrich, C. (2010, June 18). Game elements: A spoonful of sugar if you can avoid hypoglycemic shock [Web log comment]. Retrieved from http://clarkaldrich.blogspot.com/2007/03/game-elements.html

2. Alexander, A. L., Brunye, T., Sidman, J., & Weil, S. A. (2005). From gaming to training: A review of studies on fidelity, immersion, presence, and buy-in and their effects on transfer in PC-based simulations and games. DARWARS Training Impact Group. Retrieved from http://www.darwars.bbn.com/press/research.html

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