1. Kherson National Technical University, Ukraine
In this chapter, the authors propose an approach to using a heterogeneous team of unmanned aerial vehicles and remote sensing techniques to perform tactical forest firefighting operations. The authors present the three-level architecture of the multi-UAV-based forest firefighting monitoring system; features of patrolling, confirming, and monitoring missions; as well as functions of UAV in such missions. The authors consider an infrastructure for the UAV ground support and equipment used for the UAVs control. The method of the data integration into a fire-spreading model in a real-time DSS for the forest fire response is proposed. The proposed approach has been tested with the multi-UAV team that included three drones for the patrol missions, one helicopter for the confirmation mission, and one octocopter for the monitoring mission. The performance of such multi-UAV team has been studied in the laboratory conditions. The result of the experiment has shown that the proposed approach provides required credibility and efficiency of fire prediction and response.