1. Ministry of Education, Youth, and Information, Jamaica
This study explores the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on 11 middle-level curriculum technocrats with the responsibility to design, develop, and implement national curricula. It also explores the range of self-care and coping strategies applied by these educators to help them effectively meet their job targets amidst the crisis. The crisis is an unprecedented phenomenon in the experiences of the current generation of Jamaican middle-level educators who have been plummeted into new personal and professional demands. The study finds that although these technocrats benefited from nearly all the strategies they applied, they found the personal leadership resources (PLRs) to be most useful. These soft skills allowed them to adapt to the unpredictable crisis situation in order to meet their job targets while managing their personal lives. The study is useful in underscoring the importance of intentionally addressing the psychosocial and emotional needs of people as countries and institutions plan for crises.