Enhancing Elementary Classroom Learning Experiences With Mobile Learning


Holovatenko Tetiana1ORCID


1. Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Ukraine


This chapter discusses the importance of mobile learning in teaching elementary classroom digital natives. The author grounds mobile learning into the individual characteristics of young learners, the theory of mobile learning, multiliteracy pedagogy, and the SAMR framework to emphasize a dynamic interplay between learners, teachers, technology, and learning environment created by mobile learning. The chapter presents a range of activities that leverage the affordances of mobile devices by using images, audio, and QR codes in the instructional design in elementary classrooms. These activities foster student autonomy, collaboration, and critical thinking while promoting visual and digital literacies. The chapter emphasizes the importance of scaffolding and instructional design in leveraging mobile learning effectively. Activities suggested by the author are accompanied by step-by-step instructions and examples, which makes them relevant both for pre-service and in-service elementary school teachers, teacher trainers, and professional development providers.


IGI Global

Reference34 articles.

1. Bethesda: EdWeek Research Center. (2020). Early reading instruction: Results of a national survey.https://epe.brightspotcdn.com/1b/80/706eba6246599174b0199ac1f3b5/ed-week-reading-instruction-survey-report-final-1.24.20.pdf

2. 13. Peer interaction while learning to read in a new language

3. A Pedagogy of Multiliteracies: Designing Social Futures

4. An Overview of Multilingual Learners' Literacy Needs for the 21st Century

5. Handbook of Mobile Learning








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