Best Practice in the Use of the Water Sources of Portoviejo Canton, Ecuador, and Its Parishes


González Arturo Luque1ORCID,Ponce José Humberto Ponce1,Popescu Cristina Raluca Gh.2ORCID


1. Universidad Tecnica de Manabí, Ecuador & Observatorio Euromediterráneo de Espacio Público y Democracia, URJC, Spain

2. University of Bucharest, Romania & The Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania


Water is a fundamental element for the sustenance of all living beings in nature, hence the importance of its conservation and the correct management of its sources. In the case of the Portoviejo River, water is used as a means of irrigation in plantations, a drinking water supply to the city, and a space for developing tourism. However, new settlements along the banks of the Portoviejo River have led to a rise in pollution levels and other misuses of the water. Owing to these circumstances, there was a clear need to evaluate the historical background and conservation mechanisms of water sources used by the canton authorities and its control bodies. The main objective of this study was to carry out an exhaustive analysis of good practices in the use of water sources within the Portoviejo Canton. The study used a hermeneutic research approach, which allows the researcher to perform a qualitative analysis of various interpretations of different texts through a dialectical process, which supports the investigation and substantiates the results obtained.


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