1. Kurukshetra University, India
This study aims to analyse the nutritional needs of spiritual tourists visiting International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISCKON) centers in India. The study objectives are determining the nutritional requirements of spiritual visitors; analyzing the diet menu of ISKCON centers to meet the standard diet requirements; and studying the cause-and-effect relation of Satvik Aahar (ISCKON diet) on the physical and mental well-being of spiritual visitors. Data was collected from ISKCON centers in North India. The analysis was done using the Harris-Benedict equation to calculate total energy expenditure (TEE). The study found practice of “Satvik Aahar” is integral to the diet of ISKCON visitors, providing adequate nutrition for spiritual practices. Ayurveda and intermittent fasting (Vrat) are the strategies for bringing spiritual travellers back into balance with their thoughts and beliefs. Research limitations include time and budget constraints. The study through light on the physiology of pilgrims and create bridge between food and spirituality, providing value for future researchers.