Synthesis and Application of Transformative Learning in Nonprofit Management


Bunn Taylor Danielle1


1. Hope 4 All, USA


Understanding how adults learn could help nonprofit leaders more effectively attract and engage stakeholders and supporters of diverse backgrounds. Without clients, volunteers, and donors, nonprofit organizations cease to exist. Authentic connection with potential stakeholders is critical. In the nonprofit field, all outreach efforts—client events, volunteer opportunities, grant applications, and board meetings—are an opportunity to educate the audience about a mission, critical needs, and ways to engage in social impact activities. This chapter seeks to provide nonprofit leaders with an introduction to applying transformative learning principles to their work to deeply connect with and engage supporters of various backgrounds. The first section offers an overview of transformative learning for adults, followed by direct application of select tenets to stakeholder engagement. Each subsection includes a scenario with a suggested application of the transformative learning framework.


IGI Global

Reference58 articles.

1. Aghili, S. (2017, August 6). The value of diversity in nonprofit management. The Berkeley Group.

2. AxelrodW. (2019). 10 steps to successful mentoring. Association for Talent Development.

3. BanduraA. (1986). Social foundations of thought and action: A social cognitive theory. Prentice-Hall.

4. Bandura, A. (1998). Personal and collective efficacy in human adaptation and change. In J. G. Adair, D. Belanger, & K. L. Dion (Eds.), Advances in psychological science: Vol. 1. Personal, social and cultural aspects. Psychology Press.

5. Exercise of Human Agency Through Collective Efficacy







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