Unlocking the Power of Stakeholder Perception


Nag Aditi1ORCID,Mishra Smriti1ORCID


1. Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, India


This research aimed to examine the Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index (TTCI) as an evaluation tool for heritage sites with limited tourism development. The authors aimed to assess how well the TTCI aligns with stakeholders' perceptions when applied to sites facing conservation challenges. The research revealed that stakeholder perceptions significantly impact heritage planning strategies. The study highlighted the potential of stakeholder engagement in enhancing a destination's competitiveness by addressing visitor satisfaction, overall tourism appeal, and the likelihood of repeat visits. The findings emphasized the importance of a collaborative governance model and suggested potential modifications to the TTCI to better suit underserved heritage sites. The research aimed to transform heritage planning into an engaging and profitable endeavor, emphasizing the need for conservation improvements at sites lacking proper attention and promoting successful heritage planning for other sites by making them more appealing to tourists and visitors.


IGI Global

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