Meditations on the Intrinsic Value of Life and the Present and Future Nature of Death and Dying



Our legacy of scientific nihilism raises important ethical questions about the use of neural technologies to prolong life and the creation of conscious machines. Bioethics of displacement recognizes the interconnectedness of individuals in their social, cultural, and historical contexts, so it's ready to delve into the implications of end-of-life care and the nature of death in a post-human society, tracing the common roots of philosophy, psychology, art, linguistics, and neural nets. To make things harder, people in power have reduced others to mere things across history. So, the author inquires into the psychological factors that allowed people to participate in atrocities, such as cognitive dissonance, psychological inflexibility, desire for revenge, sense of moral superiority, and obedience to authority along with leaders' psychopathic traits with a knack for Gehenna politics. Ultimately, the author reflects and ponders the complex issues surrounding death, telling the dead from the living and the creation of conscious machines to build a better future for ourselves and our creations.


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Reference81 articles.

1. ArendtH. (1963). Eichmann in Jerusalem: A report on the banality of evil. Viking Press.

2. Synthetic Biology between Self-Regulation and Public Discourse: Ethical Issues and the Many Roles of the Ethicist

3. BaumeisterR. F. (1986). Identity: Cultural Change and the Struggle for Self. Oxford University Press.

4. The need to belong: Desire for interpersonal attachments as a fundamental human motivation.

5. Social death in end-of-life care policy







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