1. Pamukkale University, Turkey
The restaurant selection is an important multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) problem. Because many conflicting criteria affect the customers' restaurant selection, there are many alternatives to meet the customers' different and changing needs. The focus of this chapter is to search the criteria that influence the customer decisions to select a restaurant and evaluate the restaurants by utilizing the experiences of the customers. For this purpose, the restaurants located in Istanbul with online reservations that offer first-class dinners are considered as a sample case. The importance of the criteria is defined with the IVIF-CRITIC method, and the restaurants are ranked with the IVIF-CoCoSo method. IVIF sets are used to overcome the uncertainty due to the involvement of human judgment. It can be stated that the proposed methodology can be useful to analyze the human judgments in MCDM problems and develop the weak criteria for the restaurant managers and decide on restaurant choices for the customers.