The Changing Face of the Tour Guide and Its Impact on Tourist Experiences


Şengöz Ayşe1


1. Akdeniz University, Turkey


Tourism is an important sector due to its contribution to the economy and employment. Despite the decreasing tourism activities under pandemic conditions, positive effects can be mentioned for all countries of the world. While tourism has an effect on all stakeholders, time also has various effects on tourism. Tour guides who try to act in accordance with these effects have to improve and transform themselves. A tour guide who can keep up with innovations can only benefit his country and provide satisfaction to the customer. Therefore, in this chapter, the development and usability of information and communication technologies, socio-demographic trends, the changing profiles and preferences of tourists, the expectations of tourists regarding social and environmental responsibility, and the implications and reactions of the guided tour industry will be examined. Moreover, escaping from overcrowded destinations, guides, and tourists who are prone to smart tourism, the changing nature of tour guide communication, and changing travel models and approaches will be examined in detail.


IGI Global

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