Collaborative Lesson Planning for CLIL Student Teachers of Primary Education


Espinar Magdalena Custodio1ORCID


1. Comillas Pontifical University, Spain


The introduction of content and language integrated learning (CLIL) in mainstream education in Spain demands specific teaching competencies. For this, Spanish universities have adapted the design of their degrees in education to meet the challenges of this demanding scenario. However, there is still a heterogeneous scenario among Spanish universities for preparing prospective teachers for CLIL. This chapter aims at exploring the profile of the primary education teacher specialized in CLIL teaching and proposing a collaborative lesson planning task likely to develop some key competencies of this profile in a group of student teachers. The collaborative lesson plannings designed by students are described and discussed in relation to recent literature. Moreover, the answers of 17 of these students to a questionnaire are analyzed to unveil the potential of this type of training for actually developing the collaborative competence of prospective CLIL primary teachers. A final reflection on the need to provide more homogeneous preparation connected to the CLIL classroom is also provided.


IGI Global

Reference48 articles.

1. BallP.KellyK.CleggJ. (2016). Putting CLIL into practice: Oxford handbooks for language teachers. Oxford University Press.

2. Las competencias profesionales del maestro de Primaria desde la perspectiva del tutor del centro de Prácticas

3. Collaborative Lesson Planning as Professional Development for Beginning Primary Teachers

4. BentleyK. (2010). The TKT (teaching knowledge test) course. CLIL module content and language integrated learning. Cambridge University Press.

5. BertauxP.CoonanC. M.Frigols-MartínM. J.MehistoP. (2010). The CLIL teacher’s competences grid. Common constitution and language learning (CCLL). Comenius Network.







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