Women Entrepreneurs in Turkey


Yener Serdar1,Arslan Aykut2,Kop Ayşegül Eda1


1. Sinop University, Turkey

2. Piri Reis University, Turkey


Women entrepreneurship is explained by the women-owned business that create economic value. Since there are potential differences between men and women entrepreneurships, this study aims to provide a detailed analysis of how micro-credits help women entrepreneurship in development and economic growth. The data used for this research is obtained from Grameen Microfinance and Statistical Institute. The obtained data is analysed to examine the relationship between women entrepreneurships and economic development. Firstly, a model is developed to test the influence of unit of used microcredit in Turkey and unit change in the number of women who work in their own business. The impact of micro-credit in Turkey on women's employment is analysed with regression analysis. Secondly, the ARDL bounds testing approach model is employed to investigate the influence of number of women entrepreneurships and economic growth. This relation elicits the contribution of micro-credits to Turkey's economy.


IGI Global

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