1. Mount Kenya University, Kenya
2. Zetech University, Kenya
This chapter offers insights on how to address the key challenges facing universities in implementation of competence-based learning through effective use of formative e-assessment in e-learning for achievement of core competences. It is important to emphasize that use of formative e-assessment as a tool for assessment for learning (formative assessment) is an integral requirement for active and meaningful engagement in e-learning. However, such a focus has been inadequate based on what characterizes continuous assessment in many university e-learning settings particularly in developing nations. Validity of continuous assessment cannot be realized without purposeful focus on formative assessment and tailored feedback. This chapter contributes to better understanding of the pedagogical role and desirable best practices in applying formative e-assessment from a contextualized perspective towards competence-based e-learning. Contextualization implies paying attention to the unique needs of particular e-learning settings including ICT capacity, learners' needs, and experiences.