Surviving Through Religious Coping and Intrinsic Spirituality


Bhatt Prachi1,Siraj Sadaf2


1. FORE School of Management, New Delhi, India

2. School of Management and Business Studies, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi, India


The COVID-19 pandemic has in more than one way caused dramatic disruption in the way workplaces and workforces are being managed. The challenge today is to address immediate to long-term psychological effects of such a crisis on employee well-being. Religiosity and spirituality have been found to be contributing to the resolve and resilience of human beings. The present study aims to explore the role of sex, marital status, religious preference, and family-type of the respondents on their religious coping and intrinsic spirituality as mechanisms to deal with a mental illness, depression, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Respondents are working professionals working from home amid COVID-19. The findings reveal that religious preferences played a significant role in differentiating religious coping mechanisms of respondents. Intrinsic spirituality, religious coping, and sense of fear significantly explained the depression experienced by employees. The chapter discusses implications of the findings and simultaneously underlines the holistic approach of employee management amid a crisis such as COVID-19.


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