Zest for Life



Japan's school education system is highly structured and focused on academic excellence. Japanese education emphasises discipline, hard work, and respect for authority. The 12-year school education comprises elementary education of six years, lower secondary and upper secondary education of three years each. The ‘Zest for Life' is the most remarkable reform in Japanese school education, representing its ambition and commitment. Japanese curriculum aims to develop students' personalities to the fullest by striving to build a healthy human mind and body, love for truth, respect for individuals, the value of work, and a deep sense of responsibility and a spirit of independence as the builders of a peaceful country and society. Schooling in Japan is stressful (with a high suicide rate among students). High school and university entrance are highly competitive and based on academic performance and entrance examinations. Many students also attend private “cram schools” or ‘juku' to supplement their education and improve their chances of success.


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Reference57 articles.

1. K12 Academics. (n.d.). History of Education in Japan. K12 Academics. https://www.k12academics.com/Education%20Worldwide/Education%20in%20Japan/history-education-japan 0#:~:text=Formal%20education%20in%20Japan%20began,through%20an%20Imperial%20examination%20system

2. The situation of Vocational and Technical Education in Jordan and Japan: A Comparative Study

3. The characteristics of large-scale examinations administered by public institutions in Japan: From the viewpoint of standardisation.;S.Arai;Japanese Journal for Research on Testing,2005

4. Bacquet, J. N. (2020). Implications of Summative and Formative Assessment in Japan – A Review of the Current Literature. International Journal of Education & Literacy Studies,8(2), 28-35. www.efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1254840.pdf








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