1. Purdue University, USA
2. Wexner Medical Center, The Ohio State University, USA
The COVID-19 pandemic may constitute what Kurt Lewin refers to as an unfreezing moment for higher education institutions. When COVID-19 started to spread worldwide, traditional brick-and-mortar institutions were forced to close due to mandated lockdowns. Concerned with student success, universities rushed to move course content online through recorded lectures and synchronous class sessions via videoconferencing platforms. In transitioning back to normal, evaluating how materials developed during the pandemic can be integrated into the classroom setting is vital. Before the world returns to a post-pandemic environment, the question arises regarding what faculty should do with content created during the pandemic. Should they be archived, never to be used again? Or can they look for ways to integrate them into coursework to enhance learning? One-way schools can help to foster quality online education is by preserving the materials created and lessons learned during the pandemic, especially video content.