1. Horticulture Research Institute, Agriculture Research Institute, Egypt
Citrus is a valuable fruit that can be grown in varying climatic conditions. The Mediterranean climate is considered the favorable climate condition for citrus production and presents exceptional fruit quality than in native regions. There are negative impacts of climate change in the main areas of production, which have negative effects on the future of citriculture. Under semi-arid conditions, rising temperature and high solar radiation might reduce growth rate and yield. Shading is considered a common agriculture practice in nurseries and has recently been used in various commercial fruit orchards. This practice has several advantages for citrus trees particularly in arid and semi-arid environments, as it affects orchard micro-climate reducing the high temperature, light intensity, solar radiation, etc. Tree shading improves leaf photosynthetic efficacy, reduces environmental stress, enhances tree growth, increases yield, and improves fruit quality, reducing disease and pest infection. Shading is considered a principal agriculture practice as a part of integrated farm management.