Model for Action and Cooperation on Accessible Tourism


Gondos Borbála1ORCID,Nárai Márta2ORCID


1. Edutus University, Hungary

2. Széchenyi István University, Hungary


The study highlights the importance of accessible tourism, presents the actors of accessible tourism, including people with reduced mobility, and discusses their opportunities in tourism. The aim of the authors is to describe the ACT model and demonstrate its use in tourism. Creating an accessible environment provides comfort not only for people with reduced mobility but for almost everyone, so it has greater potential even from an economic point of view. The ACT model was born from the information obtained during the research in Hungary and summarizes and illustrates well what actors are involved in the topic of accessible tourism and what kind of relationship exists between them. Each actor and factor of the three levels of the theoretical model are important in order to ensure that accessibility is achieved, and that disabled people can participate in tourism in the same way as non-disabled people.


IGI Global

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