1. SNS College of Technology, India
Concrete is a commonly utilized construction material in the engineering field. The low tensile strength and strain capacity of conventional concrete is a significant barrier to its actual integration in infrastructure. Cementitious composite is a combination of different materials that, when combined, form a composite that aids in the bonding of different components in a structure. It is a primitive combination that is still used in the construction industry. In contrast to brittle concrete, engineered cementitious composite exhibits high tensile strength with robust strain-hardening performance and multiple self-controlled crack. ECC could be used in any structural component in a building or structure because of its ability to be moulded into any shape. This emphasis the important role of engineered cementitious materials, and thus, in this chapter, the evolution of ECC materials and structures, including their characteristics, different kinds, and applications, will be thoroughly detailed, ranging from experimental investigations to enhanced numerical modeling methods and techniques.