1. GIET University, India
2. Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation, India
The recommendation system works on an idea of suggesting or recommending items, products, books, movies, etc. by analyzing and using some filtering to find the user's interest. To maximize the growth of business and profit gain, users need to be recommended with products belonging to their area of interest. To fulfill this requirement, the recommendation system has been implemented. In this study, the discussion is over recommendation system and how different concepts come to work out individually as well as together for recommendation. In this analysis, the focus is on recommending the method of e-commerce. In that scenario, “cold start problem” comes into consideration. Cold start problems are also studied, and a purposed idea has also been highlighted to reduce cold start problem to some extent. ‘LCW Aspect' is going to execute and analyze user's culture, weather, local scarcity, and focused on solving recommendation problems for new emerging users.