1. SRM Institute of Science and Technology, India
Vegetable leaves are the main part of the plant and the main source for production of vegetables. The vegetable is high in energy and a superb wellspring of Vitamin C, Vitamin B, potassium-folate, magnesium, and many other nutrients. It also gives iron, phosphorus, and niacin. This natural product has low cholesterol and sodium, which is great for human wellbeing. The species originated in almost all the parts of India but mainly in the northern states. In this chapter, the authors give an overview of leaf boundary examination; recognition of solid, debilitated, or impacted areas of the leaf; and arrangement of leaf sicknesses by involving various techniques for the vegetable plants. It is pivotal and hard for natural eyes to distinguish the specific kind of leaf infection with unaided eyes. Each plant leaf has various side effects of different infections. The calculation intended for one plant doesn't work precisely with another plant's leaf. Particular calculations for the vegetable leaves plant are expected to identify leaf sicknesses alongside the leaf boundary analyzer.